

The Administration Department is responsible for overall city operations, as well as water billing. The key staff members include the City Manager, City Clerk, and City Treasurer.

The City of Dewey is offering online bill pay for water bills!  Click HERE to sign up (password needs to have at least one non-alphanumeric symbol). There is  a 3% convenience fee on all online credit/debit card payments, as well as phone-in credit card payments. Online e-check payments have no fees (this feature has been temporarily disabled as of 11/23/22).  You may also sign up to pay online via (site not associated with City of Dewey) with no e-check/ACH fee.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Cassie Hayes City Treasurer (918) 534-2272
Denise Carrasco Billing Clerk (918) 534-2272