Dewey Hotel Museum- "Round Up The Bucks" Fundraiser

Event Date: 
Saturday, October 7, 2023 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

Round Up the Bucks Big Buffet Dinner Fundraiser to raise the funds to paint the Dewey Hotel Museum.  There will be silent auction items to bid on that have been graciously donated by local businesses and individuals.

If you are unable to attend the Dinner, donations towards the cost of having the outside of the Hotel painted are more than welcome!

Located at Bartlesville Masonic Lodge, 610 NE Washington Blvd. Highway 75

Saturday, October 7th, 2023, 5 PM to 8 PM

Advance Tickets are $8. At the door, $10


Ham and beans with cornbread or crackers; vegetable beef stew with cornbread or crackers; chili with cornbread or crackers

Frito Chili pie or hot dogs for Children

Dessert:  Blackberry cobbler, cherry cobbler, or cookies

Drinks:   Cowboy coffee, Cowboy tea (sweet or unsweet), and creek water